Honda gets touchy-feely with glowing Puyo car

CHIBA, Japan (Reuters) – It’s soft, it glows and if it’s in a crash, nothing will get badly dented — maybe.

Honda Motor Co’s (7267.T: Quote, Profile, Research) new Puyo concept car has no sharp edges and is covered in soft silicone so it can absorb the force of light collisions.

The car, which made its debut at the Tokyo Motor Show on Wednesday, is named after a Japanese word that describes a soft, spongy texture.

Driven with a joystick, the Puyo glows in different colors, depending on whether it is running or standing still.

“It’s definitely ‘cute’ rather than ‘cool’,” a spokeswoman for Honda said.

The silicone that covers the Puyo’s body and interior — the same material used for some mousepads or i-Pod covers — gives the car a texture that is harder than Jell-o but softer than an eraser, so it can be pinched with the fingers.

More seriously, the Puyo is an environmentally friendly fuel-cell vehicle, creating electricity from hydrogen fuel and oxygen and emitting only water.

While the car is not likely to be on the market until around 2020, it gives a peek into what is on the drawing board at Honda, known for being at the forefront of pedestrian safety.

In 1987 Honda became the first Japanese car maker to install airbags in Japan, and in 2004 it put infrared cameras on one of its models, which record objects even in the dark and enable the drivers to identify pedestrians on a screen.

But just how much of a collision can the pedestrian-friendly Puyo take before it gets bent out of shape?

“We can’t talk about the strength of the car,” the spokeswoman said. “We’re working on that now.”


Other Asian Cars Prototypes

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Stars flee as wildfires hit Malibu

Hundreds of thousands of people have been evacuated and thousands of homes remain at risk tonight as wildfires tear through southern California, US authorities said.

Homes were ablaze from the beaches of Malibu – where celebrities including Barbra Streisand, Mel Gibson and record company executive David Geffen have houses – to the mountain retreats east of Los Angeles and south to Orange and San Diego counties to Mexico.

President George Bush declared a federal emergency as temperatures are still set to increase and conditions worsen as the gusts of the Santa Ana wind fanning the blazes increase in strength.

Mr Bush said: “All of us across this nation are concerned for the families who have lost their homes, and the many families who have been evacuated from their homes.

“We send our prayers and thoughts with those who’ve been affected, and we send the help of the federal government as well.”

As the fires burned for a third day, two people have died as at least a dozen wildfires destroyed more than 1,200 homes and businesses. At least 346,000 homes were evacuated in San Diego County alone, sheriff’s officials said.

But the total could be much higher, and state officials were still struggling to estimate how many people have fled.

Since they began on Sunday, the fires have burned at least 245,957 acres, or 384 square miles – an area larger than New York City.

Walls of flame whipped from mountain passes to the edges of California’s celebrated coastline, spreading so quickly that even hotels serving as temporary shelters for evacuees had to be evacuated.

Among those affected, British actress Jane Seymour said her husband James Keach was fighting the fire around their Malibu home.


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Microsoft beats Google to Facebook stake

SEATTLE (Reuters) – Microsoft Corp beat out Google Inc on Wednesday in a battle to invest in socializing Web site Facebook, agreeing to pay $240 million for a 1.6 percent stake in the Web phenomenon.

Microsoft also clinched exclusive rights to sell ads on Facebook outside of the United States as part of the investment that valued Facebook at $15 billion — on par with the market capitalizations of retailer Gap Inc and hotel chain Marriott International Inc.

Analysts said Microsoft paid a steep price on a bet that the three-year-old company would be able to transform itself into a hub for all sorts of Web activity.

“The only way this works is if Facebook becomes sort of the users’ operating system on the Internet — everyone logs into Facebook every day to get in contact with their friends and use a multitude of future applications that will be developed for it,” said Morningstar analyst Toan Tran.

Facebook, a social network that lets friends share information, allows outside developers to create games and other applications for its site.

The popularity and depth of knowledge Facebook has about its users makes it valuable to companies like Microsoft and Google which want to sell advertising targeted to individual preferences.

Founded in 2004 by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook said it registers 250,000 new users a day, 60 percent of whom come from outside the United States.

Kevin Johnson, president of Microsoft’s platform and services division, said the $15 billion price tag for Facebook is based on Microsoft’s belief that the site could eventually reach 300 million users, who can be targeted for advertising. It has nearly 50 million today.

You combine the number of users with the monetization opportunities and you can figure out a fairly modest average revenue per user per year and you can very quickly get to this level of valuation,” Johnson said in a conference call with analysts and reporters.

Microsoft has stepped up efforts to be a player in the $40 billion market for online advertising, which the company expects to double in size within three years. It paid $6 billion to acquire digital advertising firm aQuantive in August.

Under the Facebook deal, Microsoft would be the exclusive third-party advertising platform for Facebook extending a previous deal for Microsoft to sell banner advertising next to Facebook member profiles in the U.S. until 2011.


Google and Microsoft, now rivals for Internet-based audiences and applications, have butted heads before for Internet properties. Google beat Microsoft with a $1.65 billion acquisition of online video sharing site YouTube last year.

Forrester Research analyst Charlene Li said that Microsoft was a better strategic fit for Facebook, since it knew how to work with software developers and build computing environments — such as its Windows operating system.

“Microsoft is a company that knows how to build platforms, knows how to develop relationships with developers. Microsoft developed the network that is the biggest, most vibrant one out there,” she said. “Google didn’t bring as much to the deal.”

Facebook opened its doors to users beyond an original base of college students a year ago. It also opened the doors to outside developers and there are tens of thousands of developers writing Facebook applications, the company said.

Microsoft was one of many suitors looking to participate in its latest round of financing, said Facebook Vice President Owen Van Natta. The funds will go toward doubling the company’s staff over the next year and other growth initiatives.

Google Co-founder Sergey Brin told a meeting with Wall Street analysts at the company’s Silicon Valley headquarters that his company could partner with important Web sites.

“We don’t feel, at a higher level, that we need to own every successful company on the Internet,” said Brin, who later told reporters that Microsoft may have overbid.

Google has a multiyear deal with MySpace, the largest social network, to provide search and advertising alongside MySpace’s 110 million user profiles.

Eric Schmidt, Google’s CEO, told reporters that its pact with MySpace is performing better than originally expected.

Shares of Microsoft rose slightly to $31.60 from a Nasdaq close of $31.25, while Google ticked down to $675.30 from a close of $675.82.

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China economy to exceed Germany’s

  • China’s economy grows 11.5 percent in third quarter
  • Economy on track to overtake Germany as world’s third largest
  • Growth for the first nine months of the year also came in at 11.5 percent
  • Numbers beat analysts’ forecasts amid boom in exports

BEIJING, China (APP) — China’s supercharged economy grew by a stunning 11.5 percent in the third quarter, surging ahead despite official efforts to cool the boom and putting it on track to overtake Germany as the world’s third-largest within weeks, according to data reported Thursday.

Growth exceeded forecasts, but was below the 11.9 percent rate reported in the previous quarter.

It was driven by a double-digit surge in exports and investment in factories and other fixed assets despite repeated interest rate hikes.

Growth for the first nine months of the year was 11.5 percent, the same rate recorded for the first half of the year, the National Bureau of Statistics reported.

But a spokesman said the government has succeeded in keeping the rapid expansion under control.

“Due to macro-economic controls, we have turned the economy from being an overheating one to being one of speedy growth,” bureau spokesman Li Xiaochao said.

The communist government wants to maintain fast growth to ease poverty but worries that a runaway expansion or overspending on real estate and other assets could ignite a financial crisis.

Beijing has raised interest rates five times this year to tamp down investment, and economists expect another hike later in the year.

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Superjumbo dreams: A promise, a gift and $100,000

  • Man promised his 91-year-old father a flight on maiden voyage of A380
  • Briton bid $100,000 for two one-way tickets in suites
  • U.S. student given ticket to ride as birthday present

SINGAPORE (AP) — The first commercial flight by the world’s largest passenger plane, the Airbus A380, will fulfill a rich man’s promise to his 91-year-old father and grant a college student’s birthday wish.

Outfitted with the most luxurious cabin ever seen on a jetliner, Singapore Airlines flight SQ380 will fly 3,900 miles from Singapore to Sydney on Thursday, carrying travelers ranging from businessmen to college students and aviation enthusiasts.

Most of the places on the 471-seat double-decker plane were auctioned for charity on eBay, raising more than $1.25 million.

“When we were young, we went through hardship and my father had to work extra hard to support us and send us to school,” said Singaporean businessman William Leong, who had promised his father, Leong Lou Teck, 91, that he would be on the A380’s first flight.

“He took care of us then, and now it’s our turn to take care of him,” Leong said in an interview before the seven-hour flight that will carry 12 first-class passengers in enclosed suites which the airline calls “A Class Beyond First.”

Promising total privacy, each suite — created by French luxury yacht designer Jean-Jacques Coste — is fitted with a leather upholstered seat, a bed, a table and a 23-inch TV screen, plus laptop connections and a range of office software.

Leong is particularly impressed by the suite’s sliding doors — “When I snore, it won’t disturb my neighbors.”

Leong paid $60,000 for eight seats, including three suites for his father, elder brother and himself, as well as four in business class and economy for other relatives.

Two suites can be joined to provide a double bed by lifting a dividing panel for more intimacy under mood lighting, although the carrier’s chief executive indicated mile-high behavior should stay grounded.

“I would not encourage it for use for anything other than resting and sleeping,” Chew Choon Seng told The Associated Press in Toulouse, France, last week when Airbus handed over the plane to Singapore Airlines. Eighteen more A380s will be delivered over the next four years.

The Singapore Airlines plane has 399 economy class seats on both decks, and on the upper deck 60 business class seats that can turn into flat beds to accommodate an adult and a child comfortably.

It’s a far cry from the first flight that the elder Leong took in the 1960s — a seven-hour journey on a four-propeller plane from Singapore to Hong Kong — a flight that today takes less than four hours.

“That ride was bumpy,” the elder Leong said, mimicking the spinning propellers with his hands. “Airplanes are so stable now, less noisy, much larger and more comfortable.”

Airbus claims the A380, powered by four Rolls Royce Trent engines, will be the quietest and most fuel-efficient passenger plane ever produced.

Leong, a Chinese immigrant, turned his watch-repair business into a multimillion-dollar import-export company now run by his son, William. The son promised to get his dad on the A380 three years ago, but Airbus delayed the delivery by nearly two years. Both Singapore Airlines and Leong say the wait was worth it.

The Leong family was not the highest bidder for seats. That title went to Julian Hayward, a 39-year-old Briton based in Sydney who paid $100,380 for two one-way trips in suites.

A normal round-trip ticket to Sydney on the A380 will cost about $7,000, roughly 25 percent more than the ordinary Singapore Airlines first-class fare.

Over in economy class, Francis Wu celebrated his 22nd birthday on October 25, the day the flight took off.

A student at City College of San Francisco, he assembles model airplanes and used to spend hours watching planes land and take off in his native Hong Kong.

“I think I will have a memorable birthday because this is the first time so many people will celebrate it with me,” said Wu, whose parents paid $1,250 for the fare. “I’m very touched.”

Singapore Airlines says Airbus chose it as its first A380 customer because of the airline’s world-class reputation.

Australian Tony Elwood, who owns a Perth-based construction equipment company, paid $50,000 for a pair of one-way suites for his wife Julie and himself.

The airline’s reputation was the attraction, Elwood said.

“I would think if it were an American airline we wouldn’t even go,” he said in a telephone interview.

Besides, he added, “I’d like to meet other people silly enough to pay as much as we did.”


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